Changeset [53e7f9d4cbfd575591e4489cd0292b6780cdf229] by Josh Adams

November 16th, 2008 @ 03:58 PM

trying to get the photo album plugin to display in a nice grid.

Committed by Josh Adams

  • M app/controllers/admin/page_plugins_controller.rb
  • M app/models/page.rb
  • M app/models/page_plugin.rb
  • M app/views/admin/pages/edit.html.erb
  • M config/routes.rb
  • M db/migrate/20081116204546_add_position_to_page_plugins.rb
  • M public/stylesheets/grid-lists.css
  • M vendor/plugins/ansuz_photo_album/app/views/photo_albums/_photo_album.html.erb
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